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our country

Our country city or market is a place where every things is available according to the  needs of the people. In fact the market is a place of income. These people gather and buy their required items. That time the market are for away from the villages where people used to walk. At that time there was no traveling instrument. At that time the people did not have the money or we can say that the lack of money and the goods were also available at a lower price. And today is the time or the time where the money is but the expenses have also doubled, that with the increase in the money, the inflation also increased. In the past, our country did not devoloped so much as it is today. The previous people are  go far to take water, and one is today's time every people's home have a personal hand pump and also have private car and bike for traveling. In this way, we can say that in today's time our country is going to grow.


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